I can do twenty days of his absence, with much difficulty, but it can be done..its more than twenty days that starts to worry me, then I think that if I’m in this for the long haul, then this are just temporary hurdles that we’ll look back at and dismiss, barely remembering that small twick in our relationship. Yea, I’m turning to a positive spirit to take me through
So to keep me busy as the days hopefully fly past, I have started a flickr account for all my photo addiction habits, Koki, how do you not have an account? your a photo maniac!
I'll try blog everyday its easier if I make it the 20day diary but that would just sound obsessive and weird..the weeks will just fly by…i hope!
So today I get this strange nightmare; i was getting attacked by kukus, many hens!! woke up sweating and with a mad tummy ache, dunno if they’re related..
Yesterday was a harder day, I guess it gets easier so long as I do stuff and we talk...painted my nails bright red and my fingers bright blue, I want to colour my hair ,maybe have it cut, join a gym...everything about me suddenly seems so dull and predictable, getting out of the house is the hardest part, tomorrow I'll try again, won't lose hope because today I tried and couldn't..
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