I've formulated a plan that should leave Miriam a happier, less stressed, more relaxed person, week one should fly as I have stuff to do everyday, salon, movies, job interviews, drinking plans, gals night in, then Nyeri for a week, the last week shouldn’t be that hard to deal with…I'll be fine! will I? sigh!! I already miss him and it’s just been two hours, poor me.

I miss everything, his smile, his light, easy way of looking at stuff, his sleepy face with his long eyelashes clouding his whole face, his mock judgmental tone in his voice when we cook together, poking him…that’s as far as I can go without tearing up…
The weeks will come and go, we’ll have bigger, more scarier issues to deal with, I’m not going to let anxiety take over me, that’s when Miriam takes over…
Oh well, let’s see what this distance does to us, it could make us stronger…
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