Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My attempt at poetry

This is my attempt at poetry,

This is to the man with the dimpled smile, the man whose eyes go so deep I want to reach out and sink into their depth;

This is for the man with the shoulders that go on forever, whose hands make me feel like a princess;

This is for the man who with his mere presence makes my days and is capable of ruining my week with a word;

This is to the man I am learning more and more about with each passing day, and with each day I care for more…

You came by when I had finally given up and decided this shit wasn’t worth it anymore, that I could do just fine on my own, maybe never get butterflies in my stomach when I’m about to surprise the man i care for anymore, never go out of my way to do nice things for him and feel every bit of my effort rewarded with the look on his face, maybe never have to stare into his eyes and get lost in their intensity and possibly never feel that overpowering take of emotions that makes you want to grab him and squeeze the life out of him; but I was going to be just fine without a man in my life.

It could not have taken me by any more surprise, there was no immediate connection where our eyes met and at once we knew we were meant to spend the rest of our lives together! We didn’t brush hands by accident and immediately a shock wave shot through our bodies and after that all we wanted were a few minutes by ourselves, I refused to even look at him for too long, so what if he was cute and had dimples (my weakness) and curly hair and big shoulders?

The world is crawling with cute, dimpled, curly-haired guys with big shoulders and adorable smiles! (ok maybe that’s a slight exaggeration on my part )Smilebut those are the guys who crash your heart into a million tiny, pieces that take forever to tape back. Didn’t wanna pay too much attention just in case…

It’s his person that got me, his way of looking at the world, his light-humoured approach to life…his theories, his charm, him.
Guess I can’t write poetry, always end up doin this mushy, eeky shit, sigh!

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