Saturday, February 26, 2011

My Life Can Really be Dull Sometimes

I don't dare myself enough, probably why my life is so predictable sometimes, most of my life's unpredictability comes from my own screw ups and even those could start getting predictable if I didn't screw up in so many different's all in the variety I tell ya.

Like the time I tried out a relationship just coz he was Luhya, everyone I know has dated a Luhya except me, besides the only other guy in my life was being an ass and I hear some Luhyas are cool, so why not? We lasted a record relationship lifeline of ten days.

Or the time I decided to see how my then boyfriend would react if I brought my immediate ex to the same table we were seated and engage in conversation. It didn't end too well..

There's also the time I experimented the effects of mixing vodka with whisky and red bull and ended up...well I have no recollection of that night, I can only rely on second hand info which I still maintain has been grossly exaggerated.

I could go on all night...but I never really dare myself to do anything..dare myself to smile at the tall, dark guy a few tables from me, dare myself to get on the table at the crowded sports bar and shake my booty, dare myself to enter the writing competition; from such adrenaline-driven dares to simple ones like dare myself to be happy today, to not snap or scowl or sneer or retort bitchily to anyone for a day. (Anything longer than a day is pushing it!)

From today, well tomorrow, no way I'm smiling at a stranger in this mood; I dare myself not to pass any other opportunity, one never knows what life and fate will throw your way and honestly my life could use a little adrenaline every now and then. 
Don't remember the last time I felt a rush of adrenaline that wasnt because I'd done something wrong and I was forcefully confronting it. I wonder though if that's the answer, it could just give me more drama to deal with. My life is unstable enough as it is..

Still rolling on the floor because of the Muliro park photos..Tsk Tsk!! These Naughty Luhyas! Three days now and they're still making my days! I thought those were funny till I saw this clip on you tube; Eat Da Poo Poo! Three days down the line and I'm still laughing! HILARIOUS!!