They stand at the bottom of the bridge ready to catch you as you fall instead of jumping with you. Without my best friend I'd be in a mental facility somewhere in Nyanza, I hear those ones are the best and my dad does his research.
That would be the better deal, the other side of the coin would have been the exorcism my folks would have quietly held to get rid of my demons. Them religious types really look for extreme measures to get the devil out.

Angy helps me look at the world in a different less morbid way..well she tries..every time we're making progress it's her turn to go through some miserable shit and my half baked optimism is required. The beauty of our friendship is that all we need from each other is presence, we leave the wise words to our folks.
Six years ago I would never have seen myself bonding with the focused, law abiding, really-dedicated-christian girl at the corner with her nose always in some text book or other while I spent most of my free and class time in the farm, kitchen, houses or matron's house doing some detention or other for breaking one of the bloody stupid rules in our hopeless school.
Guess I got the rebellious girl struggling within her to set free and BOOM SHAKALLA BOOM!! There was so much of me in her even I was impressed! We never looked back. It's been beautiful, it's been dramatic, it's been teary and joyous. It's been crazy fun! She's the only person who finishes my sentences that I don't want to throttle. It goes beyond that, we literally read out each other's thoughts with creepy accuracy. It gets abit chilling when I think of all the times I've said " No Angy, we're not going to think about him tonight, we're gonna drink!" or "You're way hotter than that bitch babe!" No words have to be uttered.
So the strangest thing happened last night we both had nightmares..that involved both of us! a fight for our lives! Only difference is that she won in her dream while in mine, we both ended up with our knee caps blown out while some psycho bitch ran off to save her own life. We were fleeing from my former high school and failed miserably. We were dying for our freedom! How honourable! Guess that's why it shall stay a dream, and a nightmare for that matter. Now what was my high school nurse doing with a huge ass rifle? And my former Principle with a .45 mm? We got caught running from a very warped version of our former school. We really looked like jailbirds in the dream.
Bush clearly haunts me more than I care to admit. We were dying together just before I woke up, and our last words were, "Can't believe that stupid bitch gets to live and we dont! Nkt!!" Shouldn't we have been repenting or something slightly more spiritual than throwing profanities
