Monday, August 29, 2011

The spot on the wall

So when I think about it, maybe the reason why I can’t always sleep is coz I don’t exercise enough, not every time, sometimes!! I exercise sometimes, I consider walking up the four flights of stairs to my sister’s house an invigorating work out; not to mention I go the extra mile and walk all the way to her house from mine (a ten minute walk) sometimes under the sweltering sun! Anyway I sleep best after sex, which is probably where I exert myself the most, shame on me!! My parents would blush in dismay at this confession but its true; I however intend to improve my living habits, this decision was solidified after a visit to my obgyn had me standing on the weighing scale and me reasoning in my shock at my weight that I had on really heavy shoes plus my jacket; those two must have added that extra 5 or so kgs…till I asked cuddles to guess my weight and he guessed just about right! Damn!! So I’ll take on a regimen, I cant talk about it just yet just in case I jinx my perfect 10 future body then I’ll sell it and make money to buy my new wardrobe, genius Smile

I’m trying to stay calm with God running his humour all up in my life, for example, how could He just sit back and watch while the one person I manage to detest with greater vigour each passing day rents a house right above my parents rental? He must have giggled in anticipation while awaiting my reaction upon receiving the news; thanks a lot.

I’ve been feeling pretty miserable this last couple of days, not sure exactly what brings along these outbursts of hormones every other week, I’m not exaggerating; today i tried something different though, instead of sitting back and hating the world; kinda got tired of doing that after a whole week of brooding, I did some actual exercise and for the life of me i can’t recall what had me so worked up earlier, almost as good as retail therapy, just way way cheaper!

I have an 11.05 am class, if I don’t sleep now I’ll spend tomorrow hating the world and all its inhabitants, I do that, I let out my frustrations on poor, unsuspecting citizens just going about their day..

So I forgot how therapeutic writing was, especially at these hours of the night that I spend self pitying. I hate this damn miserable weather!! I hate my school more for not allowing me to be sexy and warm at the same time; pretty sure Christians in Jesus’ day wore short, sexy garments if they pleased, don’t remember Him making any rules on type of dress acceptable; nkt


  1. Sweetie :))) Happy that ur back :)

    Feeling you on the weight thing. Isn't it so weird that i was gonna post something on that?

    Nani also guessed my weight randomly sometime when we were together. he said and I quote, "You looked heavier but you're really light." Cringe. Almost up and went home.

    He meant well. The hubs also said i'm lighter than normal. Let's leave that there...

    N who is this moron who moved up top your folks'? A lynching maybe ama it'll violate housing laws. Nkt.

    Kiss kiss my darling

  2. Great minds sweetie:-))) So you need to check out beyonce's video.for weight loss, its a dance video u'll love it! check it on you tube it's called Move Your Body
    FYI u look awesome! not letting you too close to my man:-DGreat minds sweetie:-))) So you need to check out beyonce's video.for weight loss, its a dance video u'll love it! check it on you tube it's called Move Your Body
    FYI u look awesome! not letting you too close to my man:-D

    Well, the asshole...some messed up dude who somehow got bumped into my life I believe by accident..u know how they say everything happens for a reason? unless the universe wanted to make me an arsonist...
    Well, the asshole...some messed up dude who somehow got bumped into my life I believe by accident..u know how they say everything happens for a reason? unless the universe wanted to make me an arsonist...
