I’m trying to stay calm with God running his humour all up in my life, for example, how could He just sit back and watch while the one person I manage to detest with greater vigour each passing day rents a house right above my parents rental? He must have giggled in anticipation while awaiting my reaction upon receiving the news; thanks a lot.
I’ve been feeling pretty miserable this last couple of days, not sure exactly what brings along these outbursts of hormones every other week, I’m not exaggerating; today i tried something different though, instead of sitting back and hating the world; kinda got tired of doing that after a whole week of brooding, I did some actual exercise and for the life of me i can’t recall what had me so worked up earlier, almost as good as retail therapy, just way way cheaper!
I have an 11.05 am class, if I don’t sleep now I’ll spend tomorrow hating the world and all its inhabitants, I do that, I let out my frustrations on poor, unsuspecting citizens just going about their day..
So I forgot how therapeutic writing was, especially at these hours of the night that I spend self pitying. I hate this damn miserable weather!! I hate my school more for not allowing me to be sexy and warm at the same time; pretty sure Christians in Jesus’ day wore short, sexy garments if they pleased, don’t remember Him making any rules on type of dress acceptable; nkt